Some WASP who may read this may scoff at what I am about to tell you. A friend once wanted to purchase a lot of Polo shirts but did not want to pay the retail price. I advised him to either to go on line, or visit Ebay as I have seen several lots of Ralph Lauren polo shirts for sale there.
He scoffed at the idea of purchasing shirts on Ebay, and would never do such a thing. Well I’m here to tell all of you, I DO NOT have a problem with purchasing new items on Ebay. One of my favorite stores on Ebay is Bari Men’s Wear. If you are in the market for Brooks Brothers, Canali, etc, this is one of the best places to find it.
As someone who lives in rural Arkansas, we do not have the stores in our area that handles this sort of apparel. One would have to travel to Chicago, or at the very least Dallas to find these sorts of items.
Not only is it a convenient way to shop, but the prices are much lower. Currently I am working on an $1’800. 00 blazer that I just may get for under $100.00. Is it worth it to me to spend the 18 hundred just to have the thought of, well I didn’t get it on discount. NO. They also have a huge assortment of ties, and name brand suits such as Kiton and more. So if you are in the market for a nice suit, or tie, they are worth a looksy!
Be very careful when buying Ralph of Long Island on EBAY. Especially the polo shirts. many sites will let you buy 10 shirts, you pick the colors, but once they come home you realize they are shall we say, not original?'
A quality retailer, no problem, China, big problem
I agree with you 100%, so much so that I have a blog on ebay explaining that one should stay far away from retailers who are out of the far east.
I normally don't buy RL lots on ebay, or lots at all for that matter. However, as someone who has been wearing the brand since childhood, I can spot a fake even in photos.
One thing I would advise people who shop on these auction sites is to visit their local mall to see and feel the items in person before they get into the bidding wars.
Some things that are dead give aways in the photos are the tags. I have noticed a lot of these lots with tag from the eighties, which is a major pause fro me.
Another thing to look for is photos of the lables. If you know authentic RL products, you will know the tage for each lable. The buttons are also a give away.
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