Though I’m not a fan of GW, he is still our President. I said that I would never post anything political on my blog, and I really don’t see this as being political, but patriotic.
What has this world come to when member of the so-called press can not maintain their composer and resort to throwing shoes at visiting dignitaries?
As stated before, I do not agree with everything our President has done, or said in the past, and I’m sure I will not agree with what he may have to say I the future, however, he is the symbol of the United States of America. So those of you who think this is funny, need to think again. That reporter was not throwing a shoe; a sign of the most disrespect, at the man, but at the country.
The people of Iraq want this journalist to be let go, I say no. Treat him as we would treat him if he were an American journalist who did the same to their President.
Well said.
Thank you Kat.
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