Apparently, Prince Harry has gotten himself into a bit of trouble yet again. Using racist language to describe Pakistani, and Arabs as Ragheads, and Paki.
Is this racism, or a solider boy, being just that a soldier? Some would equate this to being racist; others who have served would chop this up to nothing more then the banter that soldiers play out in the field. My father while in Vietnam would use racist words for the Vietcong, but at home tell me that these people are people and such words should not be used. So with this story I’m a little torn. We all know that Harry has a small history with racism, when he donned the uniform of a Nazi during a Halloween party. But does this make him a racist? Then I would have said that he is in his youth, and knows not what he do. However, he has a whole office that is supposed to teach him the ways of Royalty. So where is he getting this?
The Royal family is rumored to be a racist family, with his great-grandmother the Queen mum, as being very homophobic, at least that’s the rumor. The Queen has a high percentage rate of Arab’s who love her, and the United Kingdom. Some, like the young man in the video are in the armed forces. My thoughts or assumptions are that he has gotten caught up with his mates in a little fun, and it has backfired on him. No one is calling out any of the other soldiers for using the same words as he. Nor are they calling them out for words that are far worse then these words. So, my question is why is this news? Has the world gone just a little too PC?
Funny. It's ok to be sent to kill the enemy, but for the love of Queen and country, don't say anything mean about them. Funny.
I think we've gone waaay overboard on our politcal correctness.
And that’s the reason why I wrote this. I think that he is being given the short end of the stick because of who he is. And that in it’s self, is wrong as well. I don’t think that he “meant” to be racist. He was having a good time with his fellow friends, and soldiers, and it has been blown up to this world crisis. Why is that, I wonder? Did these journalists not have anything better to do? Maybe the lad did not use better judgment, but is that a crime?
Oh dear. You are a cripto-facist.
It gars me greet to hear anyone defend these comments.
Shame on you.
I believe it was inappropriate of you to seek to defend these comments in any way. PC may be out of control in some circles but not in every day life where ordinary people use ordinary language. As your post implies, this geezer ain't ordinary people so those standards don't apply...instead the standards which you or I as Gentlemen should apply and I for one would NEVER use such language to describe persons of colour, it would be a crime against civilisation. Further, having read your Blog I don't believe that, gentleman as you undoubtedly are, YOU would ever use such language as it runs the risk of giving offence and therefore is an affront to good manners, ergo no way for a gentleman to comport himself.
PS, Nice white bucks. Lucky you!
This was not in defense of offence. Furthermore, I think that it is inappropriate for you to tell me that what I have said here is inappropriate. I am entitled to my opinion on the matter, as for one it is my blog.
My question to you sir is this, have you been to war, have you been in the military? Do you have any idea of the brotherhood of these men? I think that if you are going to make comments as to what is or is not appropriate, I think you should read or listen to the message before making snap judgments.
What I will do is break down the key portions of the post so that you may have a better understanding.
“Some would equate this to being racist; others who have served would chop this up to nothing more then the banter that soldiers play out in the field.” Again this statement was not either in defense, or offence.
“My father while in Vietnam would use racist words for the Vietcong, but at home tell me that these people are people and such words should not be used. So with this story I’m a little torn.” My being torn is the key word here. I can tell from your post that you are an intelligent person, so I am confused as to why you did not understand this.
“Then I would have said that he is in his youth, and knows not what he do. However, he has a whole office that is supposed to teach him the ways of Royalty. So where is he getting this?” I am going to answer my own question here. I did not do so in the post, as I did not feel that it was important to do so, my mistake apparently. The young man has a self-esteem issue. If this sounds as though I am defending him, so be it. He is showing all the signs of someone with such a problem. The cries for attention are the number one factor. The drugs, the drinking, the making a mockery of the Queen, and yes the jokes that have been caught on tape. This is his out let, others may be just the drinking, or drugs, or some other form, but this is his. This is why I can not tread down the road that most have traveled and label him a racist; this would be to easy.
“No one is calling out any of the other soldiers for using the same words as he. Nor are they calling them out for words that are far worse then these words.” This is a fact. Soldiers use this sort of language in the field all the time. It doesn’t mean that they are racist. In the words of our dear friend Turling, “Funny. It's ok to be sent to kill the enemy, but for the love of Queen and country, don't say anything mean about them. Funny.” So sir I ask you this, what are we to call the enemy? No time in history has soldiers ever not come up with a name to mock the enemy, but now it is an issue because one of the boys of glory have used them. This brings me to my point. It is not right to slam Harry, as if it were not him there would not have been an issue.
Thank you on the shoes by the way. I love them.
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