I came across this story some time ago, and found it interesting. It’s called the Work to Ride program, which is a non-profit community based prevention program. I think I’ve found my next charity with this one. Founded in 1994, to aid disadvantage urban youth through constructive activities centered around horsemanship, equine sports, and education. Housed at the Chamounix Stables, located in Fairmont Park, Philadelphia, the setting provides a unique opportunity to bring urban youth in contact with animals, and nature. It is designed as a long term program for children 7 to 19 years old, and must commit at least one year of participation. It is, however, expected that participants will choose to remain with the program through high school graduation. Work to Ride graduates receive help with college enrollment, and most also choose to return to Chamounix to mentor new participants.
Work To Ride Accomplishments & Acclaim
1999 Work to Ride made history with the first African-American Polo team in the nation.
2003 Work to Ride was featured on HBO's Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.
2004 Work to Ride was featured in Sports Illustrated by acclaimed sports writer Gary Smith.
2005 Work to Ride won the Eastern Regional Interscholastic Polo tournament and Advanced to the National Tournament.
2005 Work to Ride's Jabarr Rosser was voted #1 National All Star player.
2006 Work to Ride was featured on HBO's Real Sports for an update on the 2003 airing
2007 Work to Ride featured on MSNBC's "The Today Show."
If you would like to donate to Work to Ride, the link is in the Tack Box.
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