While reading the post listed on WASP101, I came across one that got me to thinking. The poster (Anonymous) which he seems to get a lot of those posted the following below.
"Anonymous said...
If you would like to actually learn about Society I recommend reading E. Digby Baltzell, Stephen Birmingham and Cleveland Amory. And I would just like to make sure everyone is aware that know one, unless they are a child, who posts on this blog is a Wasp.
January 9, 2009 7:52 AM"
My question is, is there still an Aristocracy in America? I know there are those who have, and those who have not in this country, but a real Aristocracy? There is an on going argument on WASP101, as to what is, and what isn’t WASP. Something I feel is a dying breed, if not dead. I only say this, because with the influx of "new" money in the world, there are new rules. Those who claim to be WASP, still hold their noses up, and would drown in a downpour, to those who are the new money. Claiming, well they are not one of us, as I got my money from my fathers, fathers, father, and they had the audacity to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.
If one looks at the Forbes list of Billionaires, you will see that the top three richest men in the world are "self made." Is the world shifting from racism, to classisum, or better yet, snobbism? The books that this anonymous fellow is asking everyone to read, when were they written, or published? The model of "aristocracy" in my view is no longer the standard of the days of old. With the computer age, there have been a lot of people who have become wealthy.
Aristocracy by definition:
1. a class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges, esp. the hereditary nobility.
2. a government or state ruled by an aristocracy, elite, or privileged upper class.
3. government by those considered to be the best or most able people in the state.
4. a governing body composed of those considered to be the best or most able people in the state. 5. any class or group considered to be superior, as through education, ability, wealth, or social prestige.
Are these three men not worthy of the title of at the very least gentry? Others on the WASP101 site would even venture to say that Ralph Lauren is "not" gentry. Though he invokes the gentry American style. Last I checked, the United States of America, did not have such thing as a "Nobility", if we did wouldn’t one think that they the men and women such as Buffett, Gates, Turner, Walton, Bloomberg, and Koch would be holding the title of Sir, Lord, etc? Some of these would not have been excepted in the WASP country clubs if it were still the 1950’s. Some will say, "well it’s about breeding." Hogwash, the point has been made that you do not have to trace your line back to the throne of England to be intelligent, dignified, and gentry. In another, post, I have shown a few black men who have also crossed this line of thought. In my opinion WASP are trying to hold onto an invisible empire that all races are seeming to tap into, and they hate the thought.
When someone such as Richard the author of WASP101, who I myself feel is an "upstart" (not meant in a bad way) comes along and opens the so called Pandora’s box, he is criticized and called a poser, a word that I didn’t think a true gentleman would use; let alone a WASP, and a number of other things. Those who post such things would have us to believe that WASP are these boring, non-use of color people who lock themselves behind their large gates to rule us all. And how dare anyone talk about the WASP style, and if you do you are not one of us. I say that Richard is an upstart because he is not a real WASP, and some of his writing if you pay attention gives you clues as such. He is not an Astor, or Vanderbilt, and has never claimed to be as such. He is just a man who is a member of a country club, per his claims, a loving husband, and someone who enjoys WASP style. When did this become a crime?
A local great named J.B. Hunt, god rest his soul, was not a man of society but he built one of the worlds best and greatest trucking companies in America. There is a list of others just from this area that I could add to the list, but that isn’t what this post is about. It is about all of us waking up to the fact that here in America, one can be whomever, or whatever they set out to be, and the WASP way of thinking that they are the only "elite" in America is, or should be now over.
Our family always asserted that they were "impoverished nobility." In quotes that meant "not really." Our ancestors hailed from Wales and one in particular arrived on American shores as a refugee (read: French aristocracy) from the Haitian uprising with his "mammy." That having been said we have had among our ancestors (1) a signor of the Declaration of Independance and (2) various and sundry senators, congressmen and (3) the reader of the house of represenatives (Reader, not Speaker). Twas he who read the Declaration of War over the airwaves when the US joined the fray in World War II. So even though I would not say I am from a family of WASPS (we are Catholic) I would hope that it could be said that we are bred to be kind and decent and impeccable table manners. And I can spot a quality Bourbon at 40 paces.
Sorry to be verbose, love your blog and your insights.
I agree with you. I think the last of the aristrocracy (as we know it, anyway) was Brooke Astor. And she married into it, didn't she?
I also like the wasp101 blog - I love that style of clothes on both men and women. Although I blog as a 'hillbilly' girl, I myself, like glamorous clothes. Unless a woman is super-thin - as in straight up and down with no shape I think that style is very boring.
I'm not one of the lucky women who are naturally beautiful - I need lots of help. To try and look wasp-y makes me look very mousy and blah. Plus it's just not my personality. I guess i was born close enough to the Arkansas line to be considered Southern - and you know how southern girls like to 'fix up.'
I guess my point is...that not only do I think that aristocracy is dead, I for the most think the true WASP is as well. I think richard at wasp101 likes the concept of that lifestyle. Nothing wrong with that.
The problem I have with most of the 'posters' is that they seem to think that 'wasp's' are the only people that can have true 'class.' Nothing is further from the truth.
Question - about 5 times I have added you to my blog list - but it doesn't show up on my list. Any reason you can think of as to why it won't 'stick'? I haven't had any problems adding any others. I am putting in the correct address. When I put in poloist12-allthingsman.blogspot.com, "Today's Gentleman" shows up - so why won't it show up on my web page???
Kat see above. I think you may be missing the http portion. What I do is remove it in the field, and copy and paste the link into the space. Other then that, I can see why it is not working. If it dosen't work for you, check out the help section for answers.
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