While writing my last post, I decided to write on HRH David Drew Howe, King of Mann. This story also brings me to mind of another movie, King Ralph with John Goodman. Goodman, a low life bar singer looses yet another job only to have two fellows from the Royal Heraldry ofc shows up to advise him that he is the new king of England.
There has been a petition started to disavow HRH David Howe from the throne of Mann. So far, there have only been 356 signatures, and some of those are from Americans who are irate that the Manx people are denying the King his rightful title. King or not, the story made for good press, and a movie before it’s time. The Queen would not give up any part of her realm to just any old yokel who came a knocking. There has to be some truth to it.
Seeing his interviews, he seems like a nice enough chap, but kingly? I say no, due to the fact that being a King is not only a birthright, but also an art. One has to be studied in the ways of being a king, or one could loose their crown, or even worse their head. I can not see how he could, or would possibly want to be king of an Isle that he knows nothing about. Or, is it that he wants title alone? What are your thoughts?
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