Saturday, January 31, 2009
Really Quick
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Out Of The Office
We have lost power at the farm, and my battery is running low. I will have photo's up of the ice, and damage when I can.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
My Custom Buckle, and It's Story.

My custom buckle was made by Lonestar Silversmith. As some of you know, each buckle tells a story. This is to commemorate the marriage to my beautiful wife. It shows mine and my wife's name, and where we currently live. It has a heart to show the love I have for my wife, with the date of our nuptials in the center. The sign to the left is of the Zia, which represent the four seasons with my daughters, wife's, and my initials at the top in a half circle. We were married in New Mexico, so I thought it would be fitting in add the Zia, as it is the design on the states flag. And that is the story of my custom buckle.
The above photo is of the original buckle of which I took my design from.
Vintage RL Suede Crest Loafers

While looking for new kicks, I came across these. Years ago, I had this shoe in leather, and hate the fact that I gave them away, something I have been doing a lot of lately. Though they are suede, and not leather like the ones I had in the past, I could not resist the price, so I purchased them at a low price of $18.99. I can't wait for them to come in so I can wear them with my favorite pair of RL khaki's and a vintage RL jean jacket which I also replaced after giving it away. I'm guessing that I should stop giving things away.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Grefphenreed Couture

The dress is made of rainbow yarn, and lace w/a large grosgrain belt to be tied into a bow.
While my sister and I do not share the same fashion sense, I do love her, and I am proud of her. In the video, you will see some of the items from her line. Or you may visit her at to see her full line.
My Boy Hoot
Sad story really. I has a wonderful chocolate lab named Hunter. He was such a loyal dog. He would see me off every morning, following me to the end of the drive. I would check my rear view to see him sit at the corner of the drive, as though he knew I would soon return.
When I would return, he would be there waiting, as though he had been there all day.
Until one evening he was no longer there. I asked my father-in-law if he had seen him, he had but only earlier in the day. We had been having a coyote problem this past summer, and they were in heat. I had not gotten dear Hunter snipped, and he chased his last tail on that faithful day. We have not seen his body anywhere on on the farm, in fact a neighbor a few miles from here has a new chocolate lab. I can only hope that he is living with my new neighbors. Why have I not claimed him if I love him so much? Well if you are someone who knows dogs such as I, you will know that they have a short memory. What saddens me the most, is that I had trained him as a hunting dog from a young pup.
I now have Hoot(pictured above) he's a good ol' boy, though lazy, and ill mannered. I still love him just the same.
Sydney & I
Linen RL DB blazer
Linen RL Trouser
Silk RL Pocket square
BB French Cuff shirt
Albert Slipper
and Alligator belt w/turn buckle.
Mind you it was summer when these were taken. I have another I wanted to display, but my wife has it in upside down. It is of, the misses, Sydney, and I. I hope to be putting up photo's of polo matches in the future, so be looking for them. Yes I know I'm fat, and I don't need all of you to tell me. Hence, why no photo's of me.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Ed Hardy, Fad or New American Style?

As some of you have no doubt seen some of the shows I am about to name in this post, you have also no doubt seen the brand Ed Hardy donned on the men and women on these shows.
It would seem that Ed Hardy has his own out let of adverting on such shows as Rock of Love; all three, Real Chance at Love, and other of these idiotic real television dating shows. While in another blog discussing Ralph Lauren, I reflected on my wife. My wife and I do not share the same values in American style, as she is more Ed Hardy, and I J press, Brooks Brothers, etc.
Yes, I know big time opposites, but I love her anyway.
I do not see the brand making it past twenty years, however this is only my opinion, which could be wrong, as I was wrong about the Rap scene as well back in the eighties. Other blogs subjects have spoken about what the "children" of our day are wearing and are appalled by some of the items that are being seen in the streets today. Ed Hardy in my opinion is at the very top. Capturing the "Jolly Roger" like so many others, including Ralph Lauren, and turning it into a fashion icon. Ed Hardy collections mimics the biker gangs of old, added with tattoo artwork, and has taken trucker fashions to an all time high.
Artist such as Piddy (Sean Puffy Combs), Bruce Springsteen, and Mickey Rourke are seen on his web site. So I am to assume that they endorse his line. A Slew of others in the entertainment business have jumped on the bandwagon as well.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Polo Tunes
On this Eve of V Day.
It is the eve of V day, a day of vindication. I wanted to take the time to reflect on this, and it's importance to all men and women. Let us love all man kind, and unit under the power of these United States. For only we the People have the power to make the change that is needed in our communities.
I love you all, including those who trespass against me. God bless us all, god bless the United States of America
The Presidential Motorcade

I have been reading a lot of hubbub surrounding Obama’s new Limousine. First let me state, that it is not the full decision of POTUS, or President Elect on which vehicle he is to be paraded around in.
I’m hearing everything from, "Why does he need so many SUV’s," he’s telling the people what they should drive, when he himself is riding around in a gas guzzler", etc. These are all ignoramus statements. I can not understand why people must criticize what they do not know or understand.
The motorcade is a "NESSITY" for any POTUS. So should we have our President trolling around in a Hybrid Honda Accord? Though I like the accord, it would not be becoming of the President to be seen in a foreign auto. Also, would it matter if it were a hybrid? I say no due to the amount of glass that has been added to the vehicle, this of course adding weight. I don’t know about you, but I have been in a hybrid SUV pulling a boat, and the gas mileage wasn’t much different.
In short, POTUS, no matter who he may be, must be protected. Hence why so many vehicles in his motorcade. There are Secret Services Agents that need to accompany him. There are staff members who need to accompany him. There is also a designated paramedic unit that also follows the presidential motorcade. So, yes fuel will be spent when he goes anyplace. Why not complain about Airforce One while we are at it?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Latest Kicks, Another Ebay Find
The Negro Living Amongst WASP

Born 1867, Sara Breedlove, Delta Louisiana to former slave parents only to be orphaned by the age of seven. She and her sister escaped from Delta due to an epidemic of yellow fever, and failing cotton crops, to Vicksburg in 1878. At the age of fourteen, Sarah married Moses McWilliams to escape her sister's abusive husband. They had a daughter, Lelia (later known as A'Lelia Walker, a central figure in the Harlem Renaissance). When Lelia was only two years old, McWilliams died.
Sarah's second marriage to John Davis August 11, 1894 failed and ended sometime in 1903. She married for the third time in January, 1906 to newspaper sales agent, Charles Joseph Walker; they divorced around 1910.
Madam Walker's home, Villa Lewaro, was built in August of 1918 on Irvington-on-Hudson, New York. Her neighbors included industrialists Jay Gould and John D. Rockefeller. The grand estate served not only as her home but as a conference center for summits of race leaders to discuss current issues.
Madam Walker died at Villa Lewaro at the age of 51 on Sunday, May 25, 1919 from complications of hypertension. Upon her death she was considered to be the wealthiest African-American woman in America and known to be the first African-American woman millionaire. Some sources cite her as the first self-made American woman millionaire. Her daughter Lelia succeeded her as president of the C. J. Walker Manufacturing Company
The Balck Ivies, Howard, Morehouse, & Spelman

I chose this photo to show the diversity at Howard University. Howard was established by a charter in 1867, and much of its early funding came from endowment, private benefaction, and tuition. An annual congressional appropriation administered by the Secretary of the Interior funded the school. From its outset it, was nonsectarian and open to both sexes and all races. Howard has graduate schools of, Pharmacy, Law, Medicine, dentistry, and divinity, in addition to the undergraduate program. For its dedication to professionalism and its coveted education, Howard has been nicknamed "the Black Harvard."
Notable Alumni: Actor Ossie Davis Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall Roberta Flack Debbie Allen

Morehouse College is a private, all-male, historically black college located in Atlanta, Georgia. It is one of four remaining traditional men's colleges in the United States. 1867, two years after the end of the civil war, the Augusta Institute was founded by William Jefferson White, an Augusta Baptist minister and cabinetmaker. With the support of Rev. C Coulter a former slave from Augusta Georgia. In 1879, the institute moved to the basement of the Friendship Baptist Church in Atlanta and changed it's name to Atlanta Baptist Seminary. Later the seminary gained a four acre campus in downtown Atlanta in 1885. Dr. John Hope became the first Afro-American president in 1906 and lead the institutions growth in size and academic stature.
Notable Alumni: Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. Spike Lee U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher Olympic gold medalist Edwin Moses Congressman Sanford Bishop Samuel L Jackson

School opens April 11th, in the basement of Friendship Baptist Church, the Rev. Frank Quarles, pastor. 1884, the name changes to Spelman Seminary in honor of Mrs. Laura Spelman Rockefeller and her parents Harvey Buel and Lucy Henry Spelman, longtime activist in the antislavery movement.
KEISHA KNIGHT-PULLIAM (C’2001) – Actress; Played the role of Rudy Huxtable on the ‘80s television hit, The Cosby Show.
GERTRUDE FISHER ANDERSON (High School, 1912) - Started the Nanette Candy Company in Birmingham, AL in 1933. Before closing the business in 1954, the company made over $100,000 yearly and produced 800 to 1,000 pounds of candy daily. Nanette Candies was known nationally and articles about the business appeared in Ebony, Crisis, Journal of Negro Business, and the Journal of Negro History.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Latest Ebay Find
Obama and Honest Abe

Was Lincoln a White Suremist? See quote below.
"I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality; and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I ... am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position." ---Abraham Lincoln..
Even though Lincoln died in April of 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment which abolished slavery was not instituted until eight months later, nearly three years from his "slave freeing" Emancipation Proclamation.
The question one needs to ask is this: without Lincoln, could there have been a 13th amendment? There has long been a historical argument as to whether or not a slave-based economic system would have been viable in the long run. And there was clearly a growing political movement that centered largely on opposition to slavery, esp. in the North. So while it may be an oversimplification to say that Lincoln, by himself, ended slavery; and it may be correct to note that he did fail to surpass the *accepted doctrine* of his time (that the white "race" somehow represented the pinnacle of all creation), it is a gross and wrongful distortion to imply that he was an enemy to Black people in America. Even if he did not believe that the Black man was his equal, he still made it possible for that same man to demand equal treatment under the law.
Another thought about Abe's fight for the injustace of slavery.
The EP was issued five days after the Antiem, Geo. Union victory. Abolitionists wanted the slaves to be voluntarily freed by slave owners and they were putting political pressure on Lincoln to enact legislature. In his 1860 platform as the republican candidate for presidency he stated a "gradual and compensatory" emancipation. That would basically give masters about 10 years to decide what to do and the government would pay ea. owner about $300 for each slave with an additional amount of about $100,00 if the slave would leave the US and go to Haiti or Liberia. In 1862 Abe had congress adopt a "financial aid" plan for this plan and intended to issue gov't bonds instead of cash. He thought that freed slaves should have their own colony and that part of their freedom would include their subsequent emigration. He invited some prominent freed blacks to the white house once and said, "Your race suffers greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. If this is admitted, it affords a reason why we should be separated."
So what is it with this facination of Abrahma Lincoln? Is it because they are both from the great state of IL? It has to be something deeper, or one would hope as he is now the leader of the free world.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Reparation Bad For The Nation

Before we begin, let me first state that I do not agree with reparations. I know some will be saying, "Oh, no he didn’t" I also know that this may be crossing a line, but I’m willing to talk about it.
Now with that, yes I am an Afro-America, I am not an Uncle Tom for my belief that the proposal of reparation is not good for the nation.
Lets start first with the calls from some African countries asking for reparations for the loss of some of their population. Why should the U.S. Government pay these countries any more money then what they already have?
1. Some of these African countries sold their own people to the new white masters. Where was this concern for the population then?
2. Would this not be a double payment? These tribes who gave up their so-called population, were paid in some cases. Yes, I do understand that some tribes had no choice in the matter due to the fact that other tribes, due to a loss of a war gave up the men and women of the tribes. However, why is it that the U.S. must foot the bill? These tribes that are asking for these monies, should speak to the tribes that sold their people into bondage.
Section two of my argument:
Who will be paid? Not all Afro-Americans in the U.S. are of slave decent. If we look deeper into the history of the United States, you will see that some blacks owned slaves themselves. So my question is, who will get paid? How do we know that some of these slave-owning descendants too will be getting funds from the Federal Government?
Section three of my argument:
Should the family members of the northern soldiers who also made sacrifice also be taxed to foot this bill? What about the abolitionist who also fought and died to end slavery? We can not discount also the American Indian with the lands that have been provided to them. How is it that the government can take the lands of the indigence people in order to write a wrong? It will be another wrong, and more money will be paid in order to correct the issue. See below.
From 1814 to 1824, Jackson was instrumental in negotiating nine out of eleven treaties, which divested the southern tribes of their eastern lands in exchange for lands in the west. The tribes agreed to the treaties for strategic reasons. They wanted to appease the government in the hopes of retaining some of their land, and they wanted to protect themselves from white harassment. As a result of the treaties, the United States gained control over three-quarters of Alabama and Florida, as well as parts of Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky and North Carolina. This was a period of voluntary Indian migration, however, and only a small number of Creeks, Cherokee and Choctaws actually moved to the new lands. (From: Indian Remove 1814-1858
How is the government able to provide the 40 acres and mule that the Afro-American was promised? Did Jackson have no choice but to revise the Special field order No. 15? Would this have sparked another war between the U.S. and the Native American people?
Comparative Unity:
Are you better off living here in the U.S.? What would your life be like if the slave trade had never happened? As we can see in recent times, that the continent is riddled with genocide. Here everyone has the freedom to come and go as he or she pleases, work, and live as they please. You merely just have to have the wherewithal to do so.
I’m cutting this one short; however, this will be a two part series. I will leave you with this last comment.
Who is to pay, and what of the children of bi-racial marriages, or relationships?
My wife comes from an Irish family, and she is second generation. Her family did not own slaves, so why should they have to pay? This also goes for the Italians, and Germans. So who is suppose to foot the bill? Should my best friend, who’s family I seriously doubt owned slaves foot the bill? What of the white working class people of this country, should they foot the bill? Most of these people are forth or fifth generation poo, so broke that they can’t even afford the R. My daughter is biracial, so how should she get paid? Should she take monies out of one pocket, and put it into another? There are a lot of aspect that one should think of before making this decision. The economics alone would be a disastrous. Which I will get into in the second post. It will be shorter, I promise.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
BridesHead Revisited A Total Failer

While visiting a red box to pick up a movie for Sydney (my five-year-old), I noticed a copy of Brideshead Revisited. Though Richard (the author of WASP 101) and I will probably disagree, I wasted my money.
Not to say that you may not like this film, but it was just not for me. Half way through it, I lost my concentration, and moved on to cutting firewood, and burning trash. Only to come back in, and think to myself, "oh, you’re still on?" It was kind of like that unwanted guest that you kind of forgot about.
I am going to assume that he likes the film for the clothing that the charters wore, and the stately manor (Brideshead) that the charters occupied. Other then this, the film was a total boar, and entirely too much homosexuality in it for my taste. No, I am not a homophobic, but I’d rather not see too men kissing, let alone swim naked in the estate fountain. But hey, that’s just me.
The women in the film were all plain; I wouldn’t go so far as say homely, but not attractive to my taste. The mother (Lady Marchmian) though long in the tooth, she was much more attractive then her daughter. She is played by Emma Thompson if that gives you any clue. She’s is never seen in a flattering way, dressed in black through most of the film.
The Royal Gigolo. My Latest WTF Story

The story goes that in July 1932, the Mountbatten family was forced to bring a libel action suit against gossip columnist of 'that vulgar socialist Sunday paper, The People', as Mountbatten called it. It goes on to state, "'Her association with a colored man became so marked that they were the talk of the West End. Then one day the couple were caught in compromising circumstances."
King George the V saw the article; of course he was rather upset, and ordered the couple to return to London immediately to sue for libel, in order to clear the Royal family name. Problem is, the wrong person (singer Paul Robeson) was named in the suit. The Mountbattens won their case, and refused reimbursement. But this isn’t the end of the story.
Edwin, had a black lover, but as stated before it was not the Paul Robeson, as was claimed in the suit. Instead it was Leslie Hutch Hutchinson, a jazz performer who preformed with the likes of Fats Waller, Duke Ellington, and Composer Cole Parker; which was another of his lovers as well, oh yeah he was bi-sexual.
The first scandal surrounding him came in 1930, when he got the debutante Elizabeth Corbett pregnant. Her father vowed vengeance and pursued Hutch through the courts. Elizabeth managed to get a Guards officer to marry her. They had a society wedding in Sloane Square but she was already three months pregnant, and it was not until she was in labor that she warned her husband the baby might be black. He was appalled. The child was removed at birth and put up for adoption. He is also linked to screen sirens Tallulah Bankhead, and Merle Oberon, possibly two members of the Royal family the Queens aunt Princess Marina Duchess of Kent, and allegedly Princess Margaret when she was 25, and he 55. Man this guy really got around. For the full story, visit the link below. It was mind blowing for me.
Good Ol Uncle Louie, The Supermo

Is Pornography Killing the American Family?

Is pornography a form of infidelity? The billion-dollar industry can not be made up of only single men who indulge in this guilty pleasure.
Just as tobacco has its warning label, porn has it’s on. However, our young still seem to be effected by it. Accidentally getting their hands on it as they have found their fathers private stash. Or even, worse, the men and women who are addicted to such items that they have now turned to children to satisfy some sick fantasy they may have. Where does it end?
I asked the question at the top, not because of the sex that is involved, but the emotions that are involved. One may say that there is no emotions involved when it comes to pornography, however, I disagree. You can hurt your partner, if you both do not agree on the subject. Your wife will in the end feel that she is not good enough. What if there are children in the home was well? The misses may find it ok for you to indulge into this fantasy world, but what example are you setting for your children? If you have a daughter, what are your thoughts about your own daughter joining the industry? I thought, not.
Why am I so strong against pornography? I too have had my own battle with the stuff. I mean come on; even the non-cable television shows are filled with sex these days. I went to one of my local stores just this morning to purchase a few items, even there I could not step foot out of the place with out seeing sex. Sex on calendars, clothes, even in the medication isles. As early in the morning as it was, I even saw a few women who were dressed as though they were looking for a hook up. It is no wonder why this industry makes the money it does every year. And its margins are growing.
However, my wife has helped me overcome this shortcoming. We must all be vigilant to what our children are up to, and this will aid them into a healthy lifestyle. Remember that it is not only the parents who raise our children, but the community.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
WASP101 and the Fisticuffs

Moving forward, I will be paying closer attention to my own blog. No, anonymous post will be allowed on Today’s Gentlemen. There will be no tolerance of abuse on Today’s Gentlemen. If you post on Today’s Gentlemen, and if it is rude in anyway your post will be removed, and I will do everything in my power to block you from this forum.
It is rather sad, but I feel I must to do this, as I would rather have no readership, then one where adults are acting as though they are children. With that being said. If you have something intelligent to say, welcome.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Racist or Soldier?

Apparently, Prince Harry has gotten himself into a bit of trouble yet again. Using racist language to describe Pakistani, and Arabs as Ragheads, and Paki.
Is this racism, or a solider boy, being just that a soldier? Some would equate this to being racist; others who have served would chop this up to nothing more then the banter that soldiers play out in the field. My father while in Vietnam would use racist words for the Vietcong, but at home tell me that these people are people and such words should not be used. So with this story I’m a little torn. We all know that Harry has a small history with racism, when he donned the uniform of a Nazi during a Halloween party. But does this make him a racist? Then I would have said that he is in his youth, and knows not what he do. However, he has a whole office that is supposed to teach him the ways of Royalty. So where is he getting this?
The Royal family is rumored to be a racist family, with his great-grandmother the Queen mum, as being very homophobic, at least that’s the rumor. The Queen has a high percentage rate of Arab’s who love her, and the United Kingdom. Some, like the young man in the video are in the armed forces. My thoughts or assumptions are that he has gotten caught up with his mates in a little fun, and it has backfired on him. No one is calling out any of the other soldiers for using the same words as he. Nor are they calling them out for words that are far worse then these words. So, my question is why is this news? Has the world gone just a little too PC?
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Some of My Old Haunts, & Greatest Memories.

The Southwest's largest nightclub of any kind, this place has bars in all corners; it even has its own shopping arcade, including a boutique and gift shop. A DJ spins records nightly until closing; the hardwood dance floor is so big (5,500 sq. ft.) that it resembles an indoor horse track. There's also a hip-hop and techno dance bar called Gotham within Midnight Rodeo. Albuquerque, NM.
Thinking of Home

Friday, January 9, 2009
End of the Aristocracy? And The WASP101 Debate

While reading the post listed on WASP101, I came across one that got me to thinking. The poster (Anonymous) which he seems to get a lot of those posted the following below.
"Anonymous said...
If you would like to actually learn about Society I recommend reading E. Digby Baltzell, Stephen Birmingham and Cleveland Amory. And I would just like to make sure everyone is aware that know one, unless they are a child, who posts on this blog is a Wasp.
January 9, 2009 7:52 AM"
My question is, is there still an Aristocracy in America? I know there are those who have, and those who have not in this country, but a real Aristocracy? There is an on going argument on WASP101, as to what is, and what isn’t WASP. Something I feel is a dying breed, if not dead. I only say this, because with the influx of "new" money in the world, there are new rules. Those who claim to be WASP, still hold their noses up, and would drown in a downpour, to those who are the new money. Claiming, well they are not one of us, as I got my money from my fathers, fathers, father, and they had the audacity to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.
If one looks at the Forbes list of Billionaires, you will see that the top three richest men in the world are "self made." Is the world shifting from racism, to classisum, or better yet, snobbism? The books that this anonymous fellow is asking everyone to read, when were they written, or published? The model of "aristocracy" in my view is no longer the standard of the days of old. With the computer age, there have been a lot of people who have become wealthy.
Aristocracy by definition:
1. a class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges, esp. the hereditary nobility.
2. a government or state ruled by an aristocracy, elite, or privileged upper class.
3. government by those considered to be the best or most able people in the state.
4. a governing body composed of those considered to be the best or most able people in the state. 5. any class or group considered to be superior, as through education, ability, wealth, or social prestige.
Are these three men not worthy of the title of at the very least gentry? Others on the WASP101 site would even venture to say that Ralph Lauren is "not" gentry. Though he invokes the gentry American style. Last I checked, the United States of America, did not have such thing as a "Nobility", if we did wouldn’t one think that they the men and women such as Buffett, Gates, Turner, Walton, Bloomberg, and Koch would be holding the title of Sir, Lord, etc? Some of these would not have been excepted in the WASP country clubs if it were still the 1950’s. Some will say, "well it’s about breeding." Hogwash, the point has been made that you do not have to trace your line back to the throne of England to be intelligent, dignified, and gentry. In another, post, I have shown a few black men who have also crossed this line of thought. In my opinion WASP are trying to hold onto an invisible empire that all races are seeming to tap into, and they hate the thought.
When someone such as Richard the author of WASP101, who I myself feel is an "upstart" (not meant in a bad way) comes along and opens the so called Pandora’s box, he is criticized and called a poser, a word that I didn’t think a true gentleman would use; let alone a WASP, and a number of other things. Those who post such things would have us to believe that WASP are these boring, non-use of color people who lock themselves behind their large gates to rule us all. And how dare anyone talk about the WASP style, and if you do you are not one of us. I say that Richard is an upstart because he is not a real WASP, and some of his writing if you pay attention gives you clues as such. He is not an Astor, or Vanderbilt, and has never claimed to be as such. He is just a man who is a member of a country club, per his claims, a loving husband, and someone who enjoys WASP style. When did this become a crime?
A local great named J.B. Hunt, god rest his soul, was not a man of society but he built one of the worlds best and greatest trucking companies in America. There is a list of others just from this area that I could add to the list, but that isn’t what this post is about. It is about all of us waking up to the fact that here in America, one can be whomever, or whatever they set out to be, and the WASP way of thinking that they are the only "elite" in America is, or should be now over.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
What's The Real Story?

I often ask myself silly question. Tonight I asked myself, "what is the history of the polo shirt?" I know the generic version that most of us have read at, but that was not the answer I was looking for. I decided to look into it, and I have found something interesting. It appears that Ralph Lauren did not come up with the concept of this logo. But more on that subject later.
In the 1800s, sports teams began to wear knitted shirts at football (soccer), rowing matches, and other sporting events. Though they were longed sleeved they shared one feature with today’s polo shirt, knitted material. In the 19th century entrepreneurs redesigned the jerseys and called them polo shirts. With print ads appearing in the Maryland papers as early as 1887.
In 1923 a member of the Hurlingham Polo Team in Buenos Aires played a match wearing a polo shirt. Now as to why RL did not invent the logo that dons most of his clothing and has made him a multi-millionaire. In 1920 an Irish born gentlemen and polo player named Lewis Lacey opened a clothing store in Buenos Aries. The polo shirts that were found on the racks of his store depicted a polo player on a pony. Within a few years moneyed gentry began donning custom-made polo shirts as leisure wear on the French Riviera and at other international watering spots. Sound familiar?
On another blog I talked about the Lauren Empire, and how the corporation has scout who troll the antique shops of the world for new ideas. It is also rumored that Empire purchased the wardrobe of a Duke, and this is where the Entire Purple Label collection was designed from, but that is just a rumor, and I have yet to find anything on that. Don’t get me wrong, I like most of his collection. But it just goes to show that you do not have to have much of an imagination to become a millionaire and live the American dream.