Since I have been on a boot kick this week I thought I would finish out the week with the style differences in the polo boot.

The English or European polo boot. As you can see from these boots they have a slightly deeper heel then the boots made in Argentina. The Texan below too have a much deeper heel then the boots that are made in Argentina.

Example of the Texan polo boot. No doubt given it's name for its western look. Most, have what is called a snipped toe.

The zip front boot is my preference when it comes to polo boots. I not only like the style, but the ease and comfort of the boot. Others who play the sport will no doubt disagree, and prefer there own, with that I say it is a matter of taste. Unlike with the Texan, an other European boots, this one you need only unzip the front and slide in. No pulling or tugging to get you into, or out of your boots before and after a match. Note the stitching on the boot above from D.
Minsen & CO. I may want to save them to my favorites for when I need a new pair. However, there is one thing I do not like about these boots, the heel seems a bit shallow over the Texan boots.
Who sells these "Texan western polo boots" ?
Where can I buy the "Texan" western polo boot shown ?
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