Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ahhh Redheads! Why I Love Them

Though my wife is a blonde, I have never been really fond of blondes, sorry honey you know I love you. Yes, there are many notable sexy blondes, but there is something about a redhead that really gets my blood boiling. Especially if she has green eyes and olive skin. I think it all started with Molly Ringwald. Now that I think about it, she wasn’t very cute back then, so I can’t possibly know why. It could be the lips I guess, but can’t be sure. From there, on to my first real love when I was about twenty-one, she brings to mind a certain actress whose name escapes me at the moment, but when I remember I will be sure to do a whole post on her. Below I have complied what I think are beautiful redheads.
I don't know who she is, but man. She has almost everything I listed above.
Kate Walsh!

Debra Messing

Ana Marie Cox

I first noticed her during the election and couldn't keep my eyes off her. I would watch certain news feeds just to see her.


frankthetank said...

Alicia Witt

poloist12 said...

Thank you Frank. What’s crazy is that the names are similar as well. Her name was Amber, and of course I will not be giving out the last name that I’m sure has changed by now.

But I love my blonde wife too, and the chemistry is just right. If it were meant to be, it would have been right?