Hay season is upon us…. I can’t wait until my fields a lush with Bermuda so that the cattle can graze with out my dropping hay bails every other day. Oh, but it will not be time to rest on my laurels. There will be plenty of work to do in order to sow feed for these beasts.
My wife cousin farms turkeys, harvest their feces in order to fertilize the fields. This in its self is a major chore as I’m sure you can imagine the smell isn’t something one would call rosy. Once we have dumped truckload after truckload into the fields, its time to wait for mother rain to do her part.
We usually move the cattle to a couple of the other fields so that we can have a good harvest without interruption. Once the Bermuda is ready, its time for the bailing.
The barn will be filled to its rafters with hay, also the bailing row. Surprisingly enough, there is just enough for the winter months and rarely enough left over for sale.
But that sleeping in a little longer during the summer months sure is great!
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