I was tired of the same old boring RL, style and wanted to revamp, or start over completely. What I found was the same old hum drum, of Ralph this, and Ralph that. I did however find other designers, but they too were boring and tired. Same old, same old.
I then began to think about who I was as a man. Was I the bow tie, French cuff, banker type? Or was I the Cattleman, who has broken his bonds with society? I'm a little of both I suppose. I've noticed that I have more and more left the boe tie at home, and put on the Riata's ( Wrangler chino) and nice clean (starched) oxford w/ a pair of my exotic boots. Is it my environment, or is it something more? Most of you who have been keeping up with my blog; not many, know that I pride myself as being a Country Gentleman. Do these men wear such things as Alden's, and Albert slippers? I think not, and if they do, they more then likely have another house in the city.
I’ve often read those who complain that RL has the made the masses of manufactures in china rich by utilizing their cheap labor. That’s really not my argument here, although his lines have in my opinion cheapened because of it. No mine is something much more. I know who I am as a man, and if it means that I must shop at the local Western Warehouse, Cavendar, or Sheplers or Boot City, then I’m right at home. I have nothing against those who want to spend $350 on a pair of Albert slippers that’s cool. I’d rather however spend that $350 on a pair of gator boots with crape soles. OK, well that would be more then $350, so I’ll stick with the Ostrich for $350.00. You can tell me that this stuff is much better quality, or crafted all you like. Someone such as myself who has also worn these items knows better. Some of the shoes that I’ve found today look no better then some of the shoes I’ve found in the lesser brands. Have we put too much stock in the latest and greatest? Have I forsaken my style, not hardly. I will still look great in whatever it is I wear, it's just that I've decided to keep it simple.
Richard, if you are reading this, this is no refelction on you as I love your style. I've just come to the point where it is just plain boring.
I think you're a 'displaced' country gentleman. In Arkansas you are constantly exposed to the cowboy type - wrangler, boots, hat, etc. Nothing wrong with that! But if you are a farmer in my neck of the woods (Virginia), then it's perfectly normal to wear Alden's, Stubbs and Wootton, etc with you Oxford cloth shirts, kaki's, chino's, etc. And no, a lot of these people don't have places in the city.
Also, my husband is an agriculture/food lobbyist, and he wears his cowboy boots with his suits and it looks perfectly natural.
Maybe I am displaced a little. I've not given up the Aldens as of yet, I still wear them, long with the suits and ties.
I however do not have any "Boot cut" suits to wear, and never have been a fan of wearing boots with suits. Nothing personal, but I aways think of shaddy used care salesmen when I see that.
I do however, understand that there is a major difference in Billy Yank, and Johnny Reb when it comes to being a country boy.
Again, my neighors don't look at me weired when I'm in my Aldens, but I'm sure not going to muck the stalls in them, which I find myself doing more of these days over anything else.
It's not about just the style, but more I think the lifestle if that makes any sence. I've found myself incresingly more, and more interested in being here then out in the rest of the world. Those you speak of I'm sure are not wearing their Aldens and what have you to tend to cattle, horses and other livestock. No, no these items have become obsolete in my world. I don't, or rarely attend any occasions in which I would need these items any longer.
If I were to attend church, I would be overdressed. Most here feel that wearing their "good" laundred jeans and white wrangler shirt is "dressed" in my neck of the woods. Just this very hot weekend, I was in the barn in Ralph Lauren shorts, and T, and my Wellies. So, though I've gone country, I haven't taken the plung just yet in changing my style. OH, and I actually went into town for lunch in that outfit. My wife hated it.
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