Thursday, March 5, 2009

Goal Stats

You may have noticed that I now have listed a counter on the blog. I did this because I wasn't sure if I am waisting time posting. I know that the blog is new, and I can not expect a following over night. The counter is to give me an idea as to how many people are visting the blog on a daily basis.


Richard said...

Don't get frustrated with your numbers once you start counting. It takes time and a lot of effort to build a readership. I can give you some tips if you like. Send me an e-mail if you are interested. You have a wonderful blog, we just need to get your name out there.

poloist12 said...

I'm actually surprised to see how many people had been to my site just today.

I'm not frustrated at all. Last night at close I had 18 hits, 10 of which were mine. Today when I loged in, I was at 63, and I had not check the blog, as I wanted a true account.

Yes, I will be sending you an email for a few tips on how to market my blog.