Though I am no graduate from one of the Ivies, and I am no captain of industry a thought has accrued to me.
The big three want monies to shore up lost funds, or margins that they have not been able to make due to the state of our current economy. My question is what if they could make this happen on their own? The plan I am laying out to you today I think could work, however as I stated before, I am not someone in the know, and I’m sure that someone down the pike has come up with this idea.
1. There are three key players in this matter. The Big three corps, the union’s, and the union member (employees).
2. The average member; we will call them that as it seems proper, make somewhere around 38K per year.
3. The unions are suppose to be there to be sure that the members rights are followed.
4. The big 3 executives want their products on the road.
So what is it that these three could do to lighten the hardship?
1. What if the Federal government asked that the two major portions of the above stated were to sit down and work out an employee owned partnership.
2. Members take pay cut by 25%. I know this may seem like a lot now, but in the end it will pay off. Keep reading.
3. The funds that the member loose from their pay, goes back into the big 3 and this is where they will become members owned.
Also offer a corporate buy out of those who are on the verge of retirement. Give them the choice to either take the buy out, or leave with some money in their pockets, or leave under mass lay off. The retirement plan should also be reduced by 25%, with the remainder going into a stock option investing back into the big 3.
Not only should the members have to take a reduction, the executives should also freeze any and all bonus plans for a term of no less then 5 years.
As I stated before, I am no finical wizard, nor am I an Ivy League grad but I think that if everyone makes the sacrifices, that they will come out on top. Any thoughts?
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